Personal trainers, your ally against the extra kilos!

Have your friends, family and colleagues been bugging you of late about the ‘spare tyres’ you carry around your middle? Have you had the feeling of being bloated, uncomfortable and lethargic all day? Have you found it difficult to move around, as if your weight is drawing you back?

The problem may be being overweight. Obesity or being overweight is an issue affecting millions of men, women and children across the world. This is as a result of the sedentary lives most people live in the modern day, glued to their computers at work and televisions and video games at home, with the minimum physical activity. The problem has been compounded by the unhealthy junk food containing high amounts of sugar, salt and calories that people consume.

These result in extra kilos gathered in the stomach, hips, thighs as well as arms and legs. Apart from being unsightly, extra fat in the body is unhealthy, uncomfortable for the bearer and can slow down one’s movements as well. Unnecessary amounts of fat in the body can result in a person becoming lethargic, unnecessary amounts of stress and strain being created on their hearts and the general degradation of one’s fitness.

Other problems associated with extra body fat are more wear and tear on the joints, increased risk of gallstones, diabetes, high blood pressure, higher levels of cholesterol and cancer. Obesity creates a lot of psychological issues also, with victims being more socially insecure, entertaining feelings of doubt and inadequacy about themselves and suffering from lack of self-esteem.

And as easy as it is to gather those extra kilos, it won’t be easy to dispose of them.

People resort to various mechanisms to get rid of the layers of extra body fat, such as going on crash diets and taking various miracle pills and potions, none of these are safe or have been medically proven to be effective. In the long run, they may do our bodies more harm than good.

Exercise is believed to be the most effective and beneficial method to burn those extra layers of fat in the body as well as the extra calories, resulting in weight loss. A proper exercise regimen could boost your metabolism, control blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels in the body, prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases and lead to weight control. It provides many neuropsychological benefits as well, preventing age-related degeneration of the mind and cognition. Working out helps people sleep better and even alleviate mood disorders.The healthy and attractive physique which is another benefit of a fitness regime would be coveted by most.

For a person to enjoy the benefits of exercise to the full, it’s important that the exercise regimen is tailor-made for that person, taking his/her needs and requirements, lifestyle, background, health and medical condition and metabolism into account.

A personalised, comprehensive, well-rounded fitness program tailored towards individual needs is what is promised and is being delivered right now by Be Fit in Dubai with its qualified and experienced personal trainers. The Be Fit programs may or may not require machines. They can be carried out in any environment – be it a park, beach, desert or garden – enabling the participants to be surrounded by the wonders of nature while enhancing their physical fitness.

The benefits accruing to a trainee through a personal trainer include better and faster results, reduced chance of injury, guaranteed weight loss and muscle gain and the establishment of a lifetime habit of exercising. These are the results of a customised fitness plan drawn up for each individual.

The Be Fit personal trainers are some of the best in Dubai. They are professional, courteous, friendly and disciplined. They will ensure that you get the maximum out of your program.

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