One thing people complain about when it comes to exercise is the lack of fun and adventure that it entails. The boring part of workouts is what keeps people away from it. How do you make it enjoyable?
Grab a companion
While there are so many things we do on our own, exercise shouldn’t be one of them. Grab a companion, it will make your workout all the more fun and invigorating. It will give you that extra push and accountability to go that extra mile. If you are finding it hard to book a friend, why not use the expertise and experience of a personal trainer.
Join a class
Group fitness has become popular in recent years with many gyms and health clubs offering group classes for fitness and yoga. Join a class and enjoy working out with a group of peers who share similar fitness goals.
Make a plan
Plan it out and stick to it. It’s not about quantity but the quality of exercise. Plan your exercise routine so that you don’t have to be watching the clock all the time, instead focus completely on the workout itself.
Create a playlist
Enjoy some of your favourite tunes as you engage in some intense workout routines. There is no rule to say exercise has to be boring in order to be effective. Pump the tunes, have fun doing it and see better results.
Get social
Exercise should not be made to feel like exercise. There are a number of group activities that will promote fitness. If you’ve seen anything in your area or the local gym, go for it. For instance, hiking, mountain biking or swimming that is fun but at the same time will keep you physically active.
Lose the dread
Stop dreading exercise and learn to adapt and change your mindset. Don’t feel pressure as if someone is dragging you against your will. If your exercise routine seems tough for the day, start lightly. Do something enjoyable so that the rest of the workout doesn’t feel like a chore.