Exercising and other physical activities can increase physical and mental health, eventually leading to an improved quality of life and personal trainers can help to get the most from each fitness session. These professional training techniques and methods help speedy transformations and to reach goals easily with more precise directions.
Considering all the popular short-term fitness programs concerning appearance change, people often think that anybody can get the desired outcome on the stated period. However, fitness coaches say that this can vary depending on your current body health and your ultimate goal of achievement. Hence, in this article, let’s take a look at the time duration of a personal training program along with the influencing factors.
Personal Training For Your Fitness
Instead of regular exercising or running on a treadmill for an hour, you can get benefited a lot more in your physical health by investing the time to focus more appropriately on your exercises along with the help of a personal trainer. If you are a complete fresher in regular fitness sessions, a personal fitness trainer‘s instructions will help you with speedy stimuli for your body transformation.
An assessment of your current fitness level, medical conditions, and the desired target will take into account before starting the program. The trainers’ professional knowledge will help you with a personalized plan that works well with your body functions. The goals are often categorized into two types, short-term and long-term, depending on the ultimate fitness goal like weight loss, flexibility, muscle building, or strengthening.
The Timeline Of Results
Popular fitness sessions often range from six weeks to three months programs with guaranteed noticeable results. Personal trainers state that the period can vary from person to person with the current physical conditions and fitness target.
Where some people may want to gain weight and build muscles, others may want to lose weight. Muscle gaining for athletic purposes or preparing for special occasions can also result in constrictions in the timeline.
The duration also varies on the number of days you can discrete for your fitness training program. Although certain individuals opt for daily exercises with a morning jog or cycling, they may only have a single slot of time per week to meet their personal trainers.
However, personal fitness trainers state that a noticeable change in muscle gain or weight loss can be observed in 4-6 weeks after starting to work under a professional’s instructions. Noticeable gain or loss in weight will be more apparent after your first month.
Given below are a few factors that rely on the timeline of fitness and the reasons behind them.
- Muscle and strength gaining
If your goal is to achieve more muscles and gain more strength, your fitness program will include continued progressing tasks in relation to weight, intensity, and volume of sets and reps. Freshers in the fitness area get benefited first here as the body starts to respond faster to new stimuli where noticeable features can be achieved within the first month.
Those with previous workouts may require a little longer than a month and go up to 6 weeks because the body is used in strengthening programs during the previous sessions. The progression also relies on your diet, and the amount of protein intake you include, and hence your fitness trainer will guide you with a specialized diet program for a speedy transformation.
- Training for weight-loss
This is the common cause behind people to start up with their fitness programs, especially with the belly fat and increased body weight. Those with medical conditions like diabetes or cholesterol tend to go for these exercises as it helps them to keep their illnesses under control. Strength training and cardio programs are applied here to burn fat and increase body metabolism.
Similar to muscle gain, beginners tend to see faster results, and a fat loss of around 3 pounds per week can be noticed during the initial stage. Afterward, an average of 1-2 pounds will be lost, and you will be able to see noticeable results between 3-6 weeks time. The diet plays a crucial role here, and hence you are encouraged to stay away from sugary and carb foods for a speedy transformation.
Apart from these, your personal fitness training speed may vary with the efficiency of your workout when you are not with your fitness trainer. This can in turn affect your diet and consistency. It is hence essential to adhere to the guidelines provided by your trainer to achieve the desired transformation. Our personal trainers at Be Fit can help you to achieve your dream body with constant support and assistance. Contact us now for the best personal trainers in Dubai and acquire exceptional fitness regimen instructions.