Not everyone is chirpy and bright in the morning. Many of us are grumpy and hate the morning sunlight creeping in through the window. We also don’t get along with our alarm clocks. In fact, we can’t count the number of times the clock has hit the floor. Can you imagine not only getting up early but trying to fit in a workout? Do not be alarmed. It can be done. Getting up early and getting a move on can be a great way to start your day.
The odds to finding the best time to workout is usually in the morning. Think about it; you won’t be half dead after a long stressful day in the office, it is easier to be done with in case you have more fun things coming up later in your day and you will be able to get to sleep at night early, without trying to fit in a workout. Yes, there are tips and tricks to do this. But, what makes people get up at dawn and be ready to jump into a morning workout?
Set two alarms
Since we’ve already established we do not have a good relationship with our alarm clocks, what better way to get up early morning than to the noise of not one but two alarm clocks. If the first one happens to hit the ground, the second one can come to your rescue. You can set it 15 minutes apart. When the first one rings, you know you have 15 more minutes to lie in. This will make you less grumpy with the clock and the world in general.
Pack for the next day
Yes, get your gym bag ready the night before. Pack your bag accordingly so that you don’t have to fumble in the dark looking for your thermos bottle. Check your morning workout for the next day and put together clothes and other things you may need to hit the gym.
Have a delicious breakfast
If you are looking at a 5am wake up call, there is nothing better than having a pre-prepared breakfast to motivate you to get out of bed. What about ordering your favorite smoothie to be delivered to your doorstep? Or you can plan a deliciously healthy breakfast the night before, which can be whipped up in 5 minutes, and you are good to go.
Make it a habit
We all have habits, both big and small. Fitting a workout in the morning is a big habit. In order to get the big habit right, you should get the smaller habits going along the way. For instance, placing your alarm clock next to the bed, packing your bag and going to bed early are all small habits that will get you to the big one, and achieve your goal to becoming a morning workout person.